AI Solutions for Business

AI & Automation +44208 0592035

Voice Agents

Voice agents are intelligent systems that handle calls for administration, sales, and customer service. They securely connect to your real-time company information and integrate with tools like Zapier, ensuring that your workflow stays seamless.

Customised Voice Agents for Your Business

Our voice agents are built for businesses of any size. Imagine an administration agent that schedules appointments in real time, a sales callout agent that identifies new opportunities during customer interactions, or a customer service agent that ensures your customers are kept up to date with the latest service delivery times. Where your team can't call every single customer on a daily basis, a voice agent can.

Secure and Automation-Ready

Security is at the heart of our voice agents. They operate with secure access to your internal data sources while fully capable of integrating with popular existing automation tools like Zapier.

Data-Driven Insights

By turning spoken conversations into valuable, indexed data, our voice agents enable your business to act on every opportunity. They transform routine calls into strategic insights by helping to split opportunities, actions and messages to different teams, giving you a competitive edge while reducing manual workload.